15+ Years Experience

Loft Conversion Costs

Loft Conversions Near Me

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get a Free Estimate?

Yes. Our loft conversions come with a free estimate so you can evaluate how much the loft conversion will cost.

How Much Does a Loft Conversion Cost?

A loft conversion normally costs between £20,000 to £45,000 however there are a number of factors that could increase this to up to £65,000. For loft conversions including a roof light or Velux window, you can expect to pay £18,000 to £50,000.

What Is the Cheapest Way To Do a Loft Conversion?

A roof light loft conversion is the most affordable type of loft conversion as they are somewhat quite basic. They only consist of reinforcing the attic floor and adding windows.

Do You Need Planning Permission for Loft Conversion?

Most loft conversions are considered permitted development, which means you do not need planning permission as long as the building work fits certain criteria.

Can Any Loft Be Converted?

Some loft cannot be converted, however many can. It is best to seek professional advice on this before making a decision.

How Much Value Does a Loft Conversion Add?

A typical loft conversion can add between 10–20% to the value of your home, according to Ideal Home.

How Long Does a Loft Conversion Take?

On average, a loft conversion project can take between six to 10 weeks, with around eight weeks the average time.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact our team using the contact form below.

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